Subjective Type

A die is thrown find the probability of following events: (i) A prime number will appear (ii) A number greater than or equal to $$3$$ will appear (iii) A number less than or equal to one will appear (iv) A number more than $$6$$ will appear (v) A number less than $$6$$ will appear


The sample space of the given experiment is given by,
$$S = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}$$
(i) Let $$A$$ be the event of the occurrence of a prime number $$\Rightarrow A = \{2, 3, 5\}$$

\therefore P\left ( A \right


( A \right )}{n\left ( S \right )}=\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2}$$
(ii) Let $$B$$ be the event of the occurrence of a number greater than or equal to $$3$$ $$\Rightarrow B = \{3, 4, 5, 6\}$$

\therefore P\left ( B \right


( B \right )}{n\left ( S \right )}=\frac{4}{6}=\frac{2}{3}$$
(iii) Let $$C$$ be the event of the occurrence of a number less than or equal to one $$\Rightarrow C = \{1\}$$

\therefore P\left ( C \right


( C \right )}{n\left ( S \right )}=\frac{1}{6}$$
(iv) Let $$D$$ be the event of the occurrence of a number greater than $$6$$ $$\Rightarrow D=\phi $$

\therefore P\left ( D \right


( D \right )}{n\left ( S \right )}=\frac{0}{6}=0$$
(v) Let $$E$$ be the event of the occurrence of a number less than $$6$$ $$\Rightarrow E = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}$$

\therefore P\left ( E \right


( E \right )}{n\left ( S \right )}=\frac{5}{6}$$



If A and B are any two events in a sample space S then $$P\left ( A\cup B \right )$$ is


If $$P(A\cup B)=\dfrac {2}{3}, P(A\cap B)=\dfrac {1}{6}$$ and $$P(A)=\dfrac {1}{3}$$, then


If events $$A$$ and $$B$$ are independent and $$P(A)=0.15, P(A\cup B)=0.45$$, then $$P(B)=$$


What is the probability of drawing a black card in a deck of cards?


The probability that a leap year selected at random contains either $$53$$ Sundays or $$53$$ Mondays, is


A couple has two children, (i) Find the probability that both children are males, if it is known that at least one of the children is male. (ii) Find the probability that both children are females, if ti is known that the elder child is a female.


If $$A$$ and $$B$$ are any two events such that $$P\left( A \right) +P\left( B \right) -P\left( A and B \right) =P\left( A \right) $$, then


A students appears for tests I,II and III.The student is successful if he passes either in tests I and II or tests I and III.The probabilities of the student passing in test I,II and III are respectively, $$p,q,$$ and $$1/2$$.If the probability that the student is successful is $$1/2,$$ then $$p(1+q)=$$


If A and B are two independent events such that $$P(A)=1/2$$ and $$P(B)=1/5$$, then


State true or false. If the probability for A to fail in an examination is 0.2 and that for B is 0.3, then the probability that either A or B fails is 0.5.

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