Sets, Relations and Functions
In an examination, of the candidates fail in Arithmetic and in English. If fail in Arithmetic and English, the percentage of those passing in both subjects is :
Sets, Relations and Functions
In an examination passed in English, in Maths, in both and students failed in both subjects. Then the number of students appeared are
Sets, Relations and Functions
If and find :
Sets, Relations and Functions
If and find:
Sets, Relations and Functions
In a class, opted for Physics, for Maths, for both and for other subjects. The class contains how many students?
Sets, Relations and Functions
P, Q and R are three sets and . Given that and , find
Sets, Relations and Functions
In the Venn diagram, the numbers represent the number of elements in the subsets. Given that and , find
Sets, Relations and Functions
then show that
Sets, Relations and Functions
Given find
Sets, Relations and Functions
Let and have and elements respectively. What can be the minimum number of elements in ?