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Maude rubin poet biography


1891 - In the year that Maude Rubin was born, on June 25th, In the July issue of The Strand Magazine in London, Sir Arthur Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes appeared in a series of short stories for the first time. Doyle eventually wrote 4 novels and 56 short stories with Holmes as the main character.

1919 - She was 28 years old when Indian lawyer Mahatma Gandhi initiated the Satyagraha campaigns, beginning the nonviolent resistance movement against British rule od India. Satyagraha means "{holding onto truth" and the campaign for Indian independence, which was eventually obtained, called for "self-suffering" rather than inflicting suffering (i.e. violence) on others.

1928 - When she was 37 years old, Mickie Mouse was born! He first appeared in Disney's Steamboat Willie, along with Minnie. Although they were in two previous shorts, this was the first to be distributed. Steamboat Willie took advantage of the new technology and was a "talkie" - music was coordinated with the animation. It became the most popular cartoon of its day.

1932 - Sher was 41 years old when on February 27th, actress Elizabeth Taylor was born in London. Her parents were Americans living in London and when she was 7, the family moved to Los Angeles. Her first small part in a movie was in There's One Born Every Minute in 1942 but her first starring role was in National Velvet in 1944. She became as famous for her 8 marriages (to 7 people) as she was for her beauty and films.

1973 - In the year of Maude Rubin's passing, in October, Voce President Spiro Agnew resigned - President Nixon nominated Gerald Ford for Vice President. Nixon's ta return came under investigation. Nixon offered the recently discovered Oval Office tapes be heard by one person and summarized - his offer was rejected by the Special Prosecutor. Nixon ordered the Attorney General, then the assistant Attorney General, to fire the Special Prosecutor. Both refused and were fired. The Solicitor General became the acting Attorney General and fired the Special Prosecutor (the Saturday Night Massacre). Nixon releases some of the tapes, under extreme pressure because of the firing so.


If $$R=\left\{\left(x,y\right):y=2x\right\}$$ is a relation in $$A=\left\{1,2,3,4,6,7,8\right\}$$ then write all the elements of $$R$$

Let $$X=\left\{1,2,3,4\right\}$$.Determine whether $$f=\left\{\left(1,1\right),\left(2,3\right),\left(3,4\right),\left(4,1\right)\right\}$$ are functions from $$X$$ to $$X$$

Let the universal set U, be a set all students of your school, A is set of boys. B is the set of girls C is the set of students participating in sports. Describe the following set in words and represent them by the Venn diagram. $$B \cap C$$

If $$A = $${1,4,6}, $$B = $${3,6}, then find $$(A \cap B)$$

Find the number of whole numbers in the solution set of following $$x - 5 <-2$$

Find the solution of the following: If $$5x + 4 > 8x - 11$$, then $$x

Say true or false. The A.M. between $$(a-b)^2$$ and $$(a+b)^2$$ is $$a^2+b^2 $$.

Given a line I and a point P on it. How many lines can be drawn passing through the point P?

If lines $$l_1\, \perp\, l_2$$ and the the slope of $$l_1$$ is $$\dfrac{1}{2}$$, then the the slope of $$l_2$$ is .......... .

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