Subjective Type

Which of the following are examples of the null set ($$y : y$$ is a point common to any two parallel lines)


($$y : y$$ is a point common to any two parallel lines) is a null set because parallel lines do not intersect. Hence, they have no common point.


Sets, Relations and Functions

How many elements set of even prime numbers contains?

Sets, Relations and Functions

How many elements does following set contains $$B = \{x | x$$ is a capital of India$$\}$$

Sets, Relations and Functions

How many elements does following set contain? $$F = \{y | y$$ is a point of intersection of two parallel lines$$\}$$

Sets, Relations and Functions

Which of the following are examples of the null set Set of even prime numbers.

Sets, Relations and Functions

Which of the following are examples of the null set ($$x : x$$ is a natural numbers, $$x<5$$ and $$x>7$$)

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